1 American Journal of Obstetrics&Gynecology
2 Archives of Phvsical Medicine and Rehabilitation
3 Atherosclerosis
4 Autonomic Neuroscience
5 Biological Psychiatry
6 Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplanation
7 Clinical Biomechanics
8 European Joumal Cancer
9 Experimental Neurology
10 Fertility and Sterility
11 Gait & Posture
12 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
13 Human Pathology
14 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
15 Journal of Biomechanics
16 Journal of Hepatology
17 Journal of  Pain and Svmptom Management
18 Journal of the American College of Cardiology
19 Journal of the American College of Surgeons
20 NeuroImage
21 Reproductive Biomedicine Online
22 Schizophrenia Research
23 Surgery
24 Urology
25 The Lancet
26 Science
27 Nature
28 Nature Neuroscience
29 Nature Medicine
30 Nature Digest
31 New England Journal of Medicine